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Hollingshead, N., R. Roberts, and J.P. Evans (editors). 2011. Cumberland Voices:  a Conservation Vision for the South Cumberland Region. Published by the Sewanee Environmental Institute and the Land Trust for Tennessee. 65 pages.  Press release


Gottfried R, Evans J.P., Haskell D., Douglass W.  2007. A dynamic spatial socioeconomic and ecological landscape model to assess environmental impacts of forest change on the Southern Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC. EPA Grant Number R829802.  Final Report.

Evans, J.P.  2006. Assessing forest loss on the Cumberland Plateau:  implications for forest policy reform in Tennessee.   Paper published in the Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on the Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys  (Hamilton, S.W. and A.N. Barrass editors).  The Center of Excellence for Field Biology, Austin Peay State University, TN. pp 3- 14.

Wolfe, W., J.P. Evans, *S. McCarthy, W.S. Gain, and B. Bryan. 2004. Tree-regeneration and mortality patterns and hydrologic change in a forested karst wetland – Sinking Pond, Arnold Air Force Base, TN. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4217. (Agency peer-reviewed)


Evans, J.P., N. Pelkey, and D. Haskell. 2002. An assessment of forest change on the Cumberland Plateau in Southern Tennessee:  Small Area Forestry Demonstration Project for the Southern Forest Resource Assessment.  Report on file with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (Agency peer-reviewed) Landscape Analysis Lab Research Report #5.


Pelkey, N. and J.P. Evans. 2001. A Review of  “Tennessee’s Forest Resources: An Overview of Trends (1950-1999), edited by M. Countess and K. Arney,  TN Dept of Agriculture”. Review requested by Senators James Kyle and David Fowler, Tennessee Senate Environment Committee. Landscape Analysis Lab Research Report #4.


Brockett, C. D. , R. Gottfried, and J.P. Evans. 1999. Economic incentives and institutional innovations to promote forest preservation on private lands:  a case study from the southern United States. Landscape Analysis Lab Research Report #3.


Evans, J.P. 1996. Forward. In: Managing Natural Resources: A Planning Guide for Franklin County. Edited by D. Durham. Tennessee Conservation League Publication.


*Hane, E.N., J.P. Evans, R.W. Hall, and P.A. Harcombe. 1993. Ecology, characterization and management of biological diversity in the water corridor units of the Big Thicket Nat. Preserve. Report on file with the U.S. National Park Service. 78 p.


Evans, J.P.  1992. Seedling establishment and genet recruitment in a population of a clonal dune perennial, Hydrocotyle bonariensis.   In:  Barrier Island Ecology of the Mid-Atlantic Coast: A Symposium.  C.A. Cole and K. Turner (eds.). NPS Technical Report. Atlanta, GA. pp. 75-84.


Lopazanski, M.J., J.P. Evans, and R.E. Shaw. 1988. An assessment of maritime forest resources on the NC coast. NC Div. Coastal Management Publ. Raleigh, NC. 108 p.


Evans, J.P. 1988. Plant Succession and Stabilization of Dredge Spoil Habitats in the Rachel Carson National Estuarine Research Reserve, NC.  NOAA Tech. Mem. Series. U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash. D.C.  62 p.

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*Neumann, S. and J.P. Evans.  2021.   Climate change driven tree regeneration failure in forested wetland.              Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.  Online Meeting (Aug 2-6). 


Evans, J.P., *A. Morris, and E. Kikis.  2018.  Population ecology of a recently described North American bamboo species, Arundinaria appalachiana.  12th Clonal Plant Symposium:  Clonal Plants in Context. Brunswick, ME. (July 29-Aug. 2).

*Meckstroth, S. and J.P. Evans, J.P.  2018.  The amelioration of grazing and burial through physiological integration by a clonal dune plant.  79th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists. Myrtle Beach, SC.  (Mar 28-31).

Evans, J.P., W. Evans, and *G. Fripp.  2018.  Deforestation on the Belize - Guatemala Border -- the Palm Sunday Connection.   Symposium:  Borders and Human Rights.  Third Annual Interdisciplinary Conference.   The University of the South, Sewanee, TN.  (March 7–9).

Evans, J.P.  2017.  A Place on the Plateau: 200 years of land-use change and forest ecology at the King Farm on the Domain.   A Sense of Space and Place: Global and Local Perspectives.  Second Annual Interdisciplinary Conference.   The University of the South, Sewanee, TN.  (April 6–8).

*Block, A.,  J.P. Evans and *L. Reid.  2016.  The role of agricultural legacies in generating novel plant communities in nutrient-limited forests:  A case study from the southern Cumberland Plateau, TN (USA).  Annual Mtg of the Botanical Society of America.  Savannah, GA.  (July 30 - Aug 3).

*Kull, K., *K. Williams, and J.P. Evans.  2016.  Change in biomass accumulation over thirty-seven years in a nutrient-limited, upland temperate forest.  Annual Mtg of the Botanical Society of America.  Savannah, GA.  (July 30 - Aug 3).

*Oldfield, C.A.,  J.P. Evans and *L. Reid.  2016.  Ecological resistance to woody species loss in two adjacent southern Appalachian communities.  Annual Mtg of the Botanical Society of America.  Savannah, GA.  (July 30 - Aug 3).


Evans, J.P, *C.A. Oldfield, M.P. Priestley, Y.M. Gottfried, L.D. Estes, *A. Sidik, and G.S. Ramseur. 2016. The Vascular Flora of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. Association of Southeastern Biologists. Concord, NC.  (Mar 29- Apr.3).


Evans, J.P., *C.A. Oldfield, K.K. Cecala, *J.K. Hiers, C. Van De Ven, and *M. Armistead. 2016. Effect of topography on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory across a plateau landscape. Association of Southeastern Biologists. Concord, NC. (Mar 29- Apr.3).


*Hiers, J.K., J.P. Evans, and K. Cecala 2015. When you own the watershed: developing opportunity for undergraduate education and research through conservation and community planning at Sewanee. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, MD  (Aug 9-14).


*Oldfield, C.A.,  *E. Evans and J.P. Evans. 2014. Coral preference of the polychaete Spirobranchus giganteus in the Belizean Barrier Reef.  Tennessee Academy of Science. Nashville, TN. April 2014. Won 1st place in Zoology oral presentations - student competition.


*Armstead, M and J.P. Evans. 2013. Spatial assessment of deer browse and its effects on a forest community in SE Tennessee. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Deer Study Group. Greenville, SC (Feb 6).


Evans, J.P.  2013. How Colleges and Universities Can Use Their Forest Holdings for Carbon Offsets and Other Sustainability Opportunities. Abstract published in the proceedings the AASHE Annual Mtg. Nashville. TN (Oct 7-9)


Evans, J.P. 2013.  Sustainability in the South, A Collaborative Project of the ACS ---  A Multi-Institutional Model for a Sustainability Certificate that Blends Online and Place-Based Learning at Liberal Arts Colleges in the South. Abstract published in the proceedings the AASHE Annual Mtg.  Nashville. TN (Oct 7-9)


*Bourne, N., * B.J. Waffa and J.P. Evans. 2008. Reptiles of the Domain: an inventory of the reptile species found on the campus of the University of the South. Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Tennessee Herpetological Society Conference. (Sept 25-27, 2008).


Evans, J.P. and N. Hollingshead. 2008. Ecological Legacy of Industrial Forestry on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Symposium: Landscape Change on the Cumberland Plateau: Drivers, Consequences, and Policy Solutions for a Key Biodiversity Hotspot. Annual Meeting for Conservation Biology held in Chattanooga (July 14-18).


*Waffa, B.J., *N. Bourne and J.P. Evans. 2007. A preliminary methodological assessment of thread trailing as a research tool for monitoring Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina) on the Cumberland Plateau. Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Tennessee Herpetological Society Conference. (Sept 22-29, 2007).


Brockett, C.D., *K. Wilkinson, and J.P. Evans. 2007. Envisioning the future of the Cumberland Plateau: policy proposals from stakeholder discussions.   Paper published in the Proceedings of the Second Conference on Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces. Atlanta, GA (April 2-12, 2007).


*Moye, V. and J.P. Evans. 2006. Habitat suitability analysis for a potential mountain lion population on the southern Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee and Alabama. Presented at the Association of Southeastern Biologists 67th Annual Meeting. Gatlinburg, TN (March 29 - April 1, 2006).   Southeastern Biology 53:252.


*Hess, M. and J.P. Evans. 2006. The effect of an introduced ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus) on red bay (Persea borbonia) mortality in maritime forest communities of St. Catherine’s Island, GA. Presented at the Association of Southeastern Biologists 67th Annual Meeting. Gatlinburg, TN (March 29 - April 1, 2006). Southeastern Biology 53:293.


*Reid, L. and J.P. Evans. 2006. Nonequilibrium dynamics in a mature, oak-hickory forest on the southern Cumberland Plateau in TN.  Presented at the Association of Southeastern Biologists 67th Annual Meeting. Gatlinburg, TN (March 29 - April 1, 2006). Southeastern Biology 53:295-296.


Priestley, M., Y. Gottfried, and J.P. Evans. 2006. The vascular flora of the Domain of the University of the South, Sewanee, TN.  Presented at the Association of Southeastern Biologists 67th Annual Meeting. Gatlinburg, TN (March 29 - April 1, 2006). Southeastern Biology 53:301.


*Wilkinson, K., C. Brockett, and J.P. Evans. 2005. Envisioning the future of the Cumberland Plateau:  Land-use change and public policy. Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Conference.  Cherokee, NC (November 1-3, 2005).


*Scheffers, B, K. Willis, and J.P. Evans. 2005. The location and fate of ephemeral ponds on the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee.   Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, SC (June 5-10, 2005). Won Best Oral Student Presentation Award.


Evans, J.P. 2005. Assessing forest loss on the Cumberland Plateau:  implications for forest policy reform in Tennessee. Keynote address delivered to the 11th Symposium on the Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys: Sustaining Biocomplexity Through Natural Resource Management. Land Between the Lakes, TN.  (April 1, 2005).


Haskell, D., N. Pelkey, and J.P. Evans. 2004. Bird communities and suburbanization on the Cumberland Plateau. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society. Quebec City, Canada (August  16-18, 2004).


Hargrove, K., J.P. Evans, and D. McGrath. 2003. Camp Cumberland: campus/classroom/community cooperation. Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the North American Association of Environmental Educators. Anchorage, AK  (October 11, 2003).


McGrath, D., K. Smith, J.P. Evans, D. Haskell, and R. Gottfried.  2003.  Mapping patterns of land use change and monitoring ecological and economic impact on the Cumberland Plateau in southern Tennessee.   American Geophysical Union, Biogeochemistry sub-group. Abstract published in the Proceedings of Chapman Conference on Ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change.   Santa Fe, NM (June 14-18, 2003).


Pelkey, N., D. Haskell and J.P. Evans.  2003.   A comparison of anthrocentric and species centric approaches to classifying habitat using ground data and satellite imagery.  Paper published in the Proceedings of the 59th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference.  Newport, RI  (April 13-16, 2003).


*Lemoine, D. and J.P. Evans.  2002.  Assessing the sustainability of timber harvesting on the Cumberland Plateau.  Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Southeast Regional Users Group (SERUG) GIS Conference.  Chattanooga, TN (Nov. 7, 2002).


Haskell, D., J.P. Evans, and N. Pelkey.  2002.   Comparing bird communities in native forests, industrial pine plantations, and residential areas on the southern Cumberland Plateau.  Tennesse Ornithological Society Annual Symposium.  Columbia, TN  (November 1-3, 2002).


Williams, D., R. Gottfried, C. Brockett, and J.P. Evans.  2002.  The effectiveness of Tennessee’s Forest Greenbelt Program in protecting forest cover.  Paper published in the Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium for Society and Resource Management.  Bloomington, IN (June 2-5, 2002).


Pelkey, N.,  J.P. Evans, and D. Haskell.  2001.   Classification, confusion, and contrast: A comparison of forest estimation techniques for the Cumberland Plateau. Paper published in the Proceedings of the Southern Forest Science Conference.  Atlanta, GA (November 26-28, 2001).

Brockett, C. J.P. Evans, R. Gottfried, and D. Williams.  2001.  An integrated analysis of the effectiveness of Tennessee’s Forest Greenbelt Program.  Paper published in the Proceedings of the 71st Annual Conf. of the Southern Economic Association. Tampa, Fl (November 17-19, 2001).


Haskell, D., J.P. Evans, and N. Pelkey.  2001.   Vertebrate communities in a changing landscape: a case study of birds and salamanders on the southern Cumberland Plateau. Paper published in the Proceedings of the Southern Forest Science Conference.  Atlanta, GA (November 26-28, 2001).


Haskell, D., J.P. Evans, and N. Pelkey.  2001.   Bird communities in native forests and industrial pine plantations on the Southern Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee.   Paper published in the Proceedings of One Hundred and Nineteenth Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union.  Seattle, WA. (August 16-18, 2001).


Gottfried, R., C.D. Brockett, D. Williams, and J.P. Evans.  2001.  How effective is Tennessee's Forest Greenbelt Program in protecting forest cover and ecological values?  Paper published in the Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the US Chapter of Ecological Economics.  Duluth, MN.  (July 2001).


Wolfe, W.J. and J.P. Evans.  2001.  Overcup oak demographics and hydrologic conditions in Sinking Pond, Arnold Air Force Base, TN.   Abstract published in the Proceedings from the Eleventh Annual Tennessee Water Resources Symposium.  Burns, TN.  (April 4-6, 2001).


Evans, J.P., *T. Pingenot and F. Perchalski.  2000.   New method of assessing forest change at the county level in the Southeastern U.S.   Abstract published in Sustaining Southern Forests:  the Science of Forest Assessment.   Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Southern Forest Resource Assessment.  Durham, NC.  (November 7-8, 2000).


Evans, J.P.   2000.   The ecophysiology and demography of Ailanthus altissima (Tree-of-Heaven),  an invading species of old field and forest communities in the eastern United States.   Invasive Exotic Plant Pest Plant Symposium sponsored by the SE Exotic Pest Plant Council.  Chattanooga, TN.  (April 7, 2000).  ASB Bulletin 47:224-225.


Evans, J.P.,  *Warren,K, F. Perchalski and L. Barrett. 1999.  Accelerated conversion of native hardwood habitat to pine plantation on the Cumberland Plateau of SE Tennessee.  Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Conference.  Gatlinburg, TN (November 1-3, 1999).


Brockett, C.D., R. Gottfried, and J.P. Evans.  1998.  Economic incentives and institutional innovations to promote forest preservation on private lands:  a case study from the southern United States.  Paper published with the Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics.  Santiago, Chile (November 15-19, 1998).


*McCarthy, S. and J.P. Evans.   1998.  Population dynamics of overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) in a seasonally flooded karst depression.   Annual Mtg. of the Botanical Society of America, Baltimore, MD (August 5-9, 1998).   American Journal of Botany 85:48-49.


Gottfried, R., C. Brockett, J.P. Evans, *L. Gebhard,  *M. Haddican, D. Haskell,  and *D. Horchem.  1998.   Economic Growth and Its Effect on Quality of Life in Franklin County, TN.   Abstract published in the Procedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Society and Resource Management: Culture, Environment, and Society.  St. Louis, MO (May 29,1998).


*Haddican, M., *L. Gebhard, J.P. Evans, C. Brockett, and R. Gottfried. 1998.  Effectiveness of the Tennessee Greenbelt Law as an Incentive to Protect Biodiversity in Franklin County, Tennessee.  Abstract published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Environmental Decision Making.  (sponsored by the National Center for Environmental Decision-Making Research).   Knoxville, TN (May 3-6, 1998).


Evans, J.P.   1997.   Pattern and process in coastal dune communities of the Southeastern United States:  implications for restoration and mitigation.  Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Restoration Genetics Workshop:  Constructing Coastal Plant Communities in Florida.  (sponsored by Florida Sea Grant Program),  St Petersburg, Fl (December 5, 1997).


*Royal, D. and J.P. Evans.  1997.  The impact of feral horses on spatial and temporal changes in plant community composition and structure in a coastal dune system.   Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Tullahoma, TN (November 21, 1997).   Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 73:16.


*Haddican, M., *L. Gebhard, J.P. Evans and C. Brockett. 1997.  Effectiveness of the Tennessee Greenbelt Law as an Incentive to Protect Biodiversity in Franklin County, Tennessee:  An Analysis of Landowner Attitudes and Intentions.  Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Conference.  Gatlinburg, TN (November 5, 1997).


*MacKinlay, A.L. and J.P. Evans.  1996.  Effect of weevil larvae (Curculio spp.) on germination and seedling growth in chestnut oak (Quercus prinus).  Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Sewanee, TN (November 22, 1996).   Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 72:12.  Won 1st Prize for Best Student Poster.


*Howell, S. and J.P. Evans.  1996.  Effect of herbivory and resource availability on seedling establishment and recruitment in a chestnut oak population (Quercus prinus)  on the Cumberland Plateau in SE TN.   Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Sewanee, TN (November 22, 1996).  Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 72:11.  Won 2nd Prize for Best Student Presented Paper.


*Jackson, R., *A.L. Brigham, *E. Bibb, and J.P. Evans.  1996.  Demography of pignut hickory (Carya glabra) in a barrier island maritime forest overpopulated by feral hogs and white-tailed deer.  Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Sewanee, TN (November 22, 1996).   Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 72:12.   Won 2nd Prize for Best Student Poster.


*Hiers, J.K., and J.P. Evans.  1996.  Effect of anthracnose blight on dogwood mortality and forest community structure in SE TN.  Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Sewanee, TN (November 22, 1996).  Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 72:11.  Won 3rd Prize for Best Student Presented Paper.


*Brigham, A.L.  and J.P. Evans.  1996.  Reproductive ecology of Hydrocotyle bonariensis ,  a gyndioecious clonal dune herb.  Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Sewanee, TN (November 22, 1996).  Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 72:12.


Subler, S., J.P. Evans, M. Cain and M. Fortin.  1996.  Spatial variability of nutrient availability of a coastal dune soil:  patch size and persistence.  Annual Mtg. of the Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI .  ESA Bulletin 77:430.


Evans, J.P. and D. Durham.   1996.  Conserving biological diversity through local planning:  implementing GAP in Franklin County, TN.  Abstract published in the Proceedings of the American Planners Association Annual Mtg. Orlando, FL.


Evans, J.P. and M.L. Cain.  1994.  A spatially explicit test of foraging behavior in a clonal plant.  Annual Mtg. of the Botanical Society of America, Knoxville, TN.  American Journal of Botany 81(suppl.):52.


Evans, J.P.  1993.  Spatial segregation of sexes in a gynodioecious dune perennial.  Annual Mtg. of the Ecological Society of America, Madison, WI.  ESA Bulletin 74:229.


Evans, J.P.  1989.  The effect of resource integration on fitness-related traits in a clonal dune perennial, Hydrocotyle bonariensis.  Annual Mtg. of the Ecological Society of America, Toronto, Ont.  ESA Bulletin 70:107.


Evans, J.P.  1987.  The population consequences of intraclonal nitrogen and water translocation in a heterogeneous dune environment.  Annual Mtg. of the Ecological Society of America, Columbus,  OH.  ESA Bulletin 68:297-298.


Evans, J.P.  1987.  The population consequences of intraclonal water and nitrogen translocation in heterogeneous dune environments.  Proceedings of the Brit. Ecol. Soc. Symposium on Plant Population Biology, Brighton, UK. 


Dixon, P.M. and J.P. Evans.  1986.  Dominance and suppression in monocultures of Ailanthus altissima.  IV International Congress of Ecology, Syracuse, NY.   ESA Bulletin 67:140.


Evans, J.P.  1984.  Demography and growth of Ailanthus altissima in old field and forest communities.  Annual Mtg. of the Ecological Society of America, Fort Collins, CO.  ESA Bulletin 65:149.


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GRANT FUNDING  (Co-PIs/ Collaborators from Uof S unless otherwise indicated):

"Seventeen Year Study Examining the Relationship of Tree Regeneration and Hydrologic Change in Sinking Pond, Arnold Air Force Base, TN."  PI.  In Collaboration with Sarah Neumann (Alma College); Bill Wolfe (USGS), Jennifer Cartwright (USGS).  Funding Source: U.S. Geological Survey, US. Dept Interior.  $53,306.  Awarded February 2019.

"Sewanee Herbarium Graduate Fellowship Program."  PI.  Funding Source:  Oak Spring Garden Foundation. $43,200 (2017-18 funding).   Awarded:   August 2017. 

"Spatial Genetic Structure of Clonal Populations of the Recently Described Native Bamboo Species Arundinaria appalachiana (Hillcane)."  PI.  In collaboration with A. Morris (MTSU) and E. Kikis.  Funding Source:  Sewanee Facuty Research Grant Fund.   $6135  Awarded:  April 2016.


“Digitizing Southeastern Herbarium Specimens held in Tennessee Collections”  Co-PI with nine other Co-PIs from TN Universities.   Funding Source:  National Science Foundation - Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections.  Awarded:  August 2014.   $9000 (Sewanee portion of grant)


"Resources for the ACS Sustainability Blended Learning Library: Biodiversity/Ecosystems Services"  Co-PI with D. Ribble (Trinity)  Funding Source:  Associated Colleges of the South.  Awarded: December 2013.  $10,000


“Green Revolving Fund”  Funding Source:  Jessie Ball duPont Fund.  Awarded June 2013.  $50,000


"South Cumberland Conservation Action Plan."  PI.  Funding Source:  Lindhurst Foundation through the Land Trust for TN.  Awarded:  September 2009.  Funded two SEI Post-Baccalareate Fellowships.  $10,000


"Environmental Fellowship Post-Doctoral Grant."  PI.  Funding Source: Mellon Foundation through the Associated Colleges of the South.  Awarded:  Funded Daniel Carter as a 2 yr. teaching post-doc in the Environmental Studies Program.  $115,000  Awarded : January 2009. 


“An award in special recognition for the contributions the Landscape Analysis Lab has made in promoting the conservation of biological diversity on the Cumberland Plateau.”   Funding Source:  Natural Resource Defense Council.  $10,000.  Awarded December 2005.


“Envisioning the Future of the Cumberland Plateau: Land-Use Change and Public Policy.”   Funding secured for the Landscape Analysis Lab (with C. Brockett) for a series of workshops, meetings and seminars.”   Funding Sources:  Model Forest Policy Project, Kennedy-Owens Fund, and the Entreat Program.   $20,000.   Awarded August 2005.


“GIS Assessment of Recent Pine Conversion on the Cumberland Plateau in TN.   PI.  Funding Source:  Natural Resources Defense Council.   $24,000.  Awarded August 2003.  Funded the first LAL Graduate Fellowship position.


“A Dynamic Spatial Socioeconomic and Ecological Model to Assess Environmental Impacts of Forest Change on the Southern Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee.”   Co-PI.  with R. Gottfried (PI), D. Williams and D. Haskell (Co-P.Is.).  Funding source:  Environmental Protection Agency STAR Grant Program.   $261,778.   Awarded March 2002.


“Spatial Decision-Making Support System for the Southern Cumberland Plateau.”  PI.   Funding source:  The Nature Conservancy.   $65,793.  Awarded January 2002.


“GIS Data for the Tennessee River Gorge.”  PI.  Funding agency:  Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency.  $1800.  Awarded November 2001.


“Appalachian Forest Stewardship Research and Demonstration Project.” Co-PI.  with D. Haskell (P.I.).   Funding source:  World Wildlife Fund.  Five year grant.  $51,500.   Awarded June 2001.


“Interdisciplinary Analysis of Forest Change on the Cumberland Plateau.” PI.  with the following CoP.I.'s:  R. Gottfried, D. Haskell, C. Brockett, J.Peters, K. McGlothlin, D. McGrath, K. Smith, D. Williams.    Associated Colleges of the South, Rasmussen Environmental Initiative proposal.   Funded 6 student interns: summer 2001.   $26,500.   Awarded December 2000.


“Landscape Analysis Training Facility at the University of the South.”   Principal Contributer.   Funding agency:  Rockefeller Brothers Fund.   Three year grant.   $252,000.   Awarded June 2000.


“The Univ. of the South Proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute --2000 Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program.  Co-Contributor.   Funding agency:  Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program.  Four year grant.   $700,000.  Awarded May 2000.  Funds environmental education outreach to local schools ($159,800).


“An Assessment of Forest Change on the Cumberland Plateau in Southern Tennessee.”  PI.  with David Haskell (Co-PI).   Funding agencies: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  22 month grant to conduct the Small Area Assessment Forestry Demonstration Project for the Southern Forest Resource Assessment.  Awarded March 2000.  Total grant amount: $195,000.


"Analysis of Regeneration Failure in Wetland Tree Species in Conjunction with an Overall Hydrological  Assessment at Sinking Pond National Natural Landmark”  Co-PI with Bill Wolfe (PI - U.S. Geological Survey).   Collaborative research project with USGS funded by the Dept of Defense.  Three year grant.  $95,000.   Awarded March 2000.


“Effect of Pine Plantation Forestry on Long-term Changes in Forest Ecosystem Function on the Cumberland Plateau:  Interdepartmental lab and student research initiative”   Co-PI along with K. Smith , D. Krogstad.   Funding source:  Sewanee Center for Teaching.  $1000.  Awarded March 2000.


"Analysis of Landscape Level Change on the Cumberland Plateau."  Co-PI along with R. Gottfried, J.Peters, D. Williams.  Associated Colleges of the South, Rasmussen Environmental Initiative proposal.  Funded  6 student interns: summer 2000.   $23,500.   Awarded February 2000.


"The Effects of Economic Growth in the Rural South."  Co-PI along with R. Gottfried, D. Haskell, C. Brockett, J.Peters.  Associated Colleges of the South, Rasmussen Environmental Initiative proposal.  Funded 6 student interns: summer 1999.   $22,100.   Awarded October 1998. 


"Franklin County Research Program- Summer 1998."  Sewanee Center for Teaching Summer Internship Grant Co-PI along with R. Gottfried, D. Haskell, C. Brockett.   Funded three Sewanee interns.  $6600.  Awarded April 1998.


"Domain 2020 Summer Research:  Department of Biology"  Co-PI along with D. Haskell, K. McGlothlin, J. Palisano, M. Priestley.  $7000.   Funded three student interns and the "Biology on the Domain - Summer 1998 Research Program."   Awarded April 1998.


GAP Implementation Grant from EPA administered through the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for Assistance with GIS Database Utilization.  1997-98.  $10,000.  Awarded September 1997.


"Impact of Feral Horse Grazing on the Coastal Dune Community of Shackleford Banks, NC."  PI with D. Rubenstein (Co-PI - Princeton University).  Funding arranged by NPS:  Cape Lookout National Seashore.     $2500.  Funded a Sewanee undergraduate research assistant for the summer.  Awarded June 1997.


"GIS In-House Training Workshop Training Course"  Co-PI along with D. Haskell, R. Gottfried, C. Brockett, N. Bynum, G. Smith, and M Knoll.  Sewanee Faculty Development Grant.  $5700.  Awarded January 1997.


"Toward an Integrative Strategy of Natural Resource Planning and Management in Tennessee:  Franklin County Initiative.  PI.  Funded by TN Conservation League.  (August 1996).  $13,000.  Two year grant.  Funded 2 Sewanee interns.  Awarded  August 1996.

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Evans, J., *S. Meckstroth, and J. Garai.   2023.  The amelioration of grazing through physiological integration by a clonal dune plantPlants 12(4):724. 

Evans, J., *S. McCarthy- Neumann, *A. Pritchard, J. Cartwright, B. Wolfe.  2022.  A forested wetland at a climate-induced tipping-point: 17-year demographic evidence of widespread tree recruitment failure. Forest Ecology and Management 517:120247.


*Oldfield, C.A., J.P. Evans, and *S.C. Oldfield.  2020.  Long-term demography and matrix modeling reveal mechanisms of chestnut oak (Quercus montana) population persistence through sprouting and decline.  Forest Ecology and Management 483:118736.


Evans, J.P., *C.A. Oldfield, and *J.L. Reid.  2019. Differential resistance to tree species loss between two dominant communities in a resilient southeastern landscape.  Natural Areas Journal  39:182-188.   Blog Feature

Evans, J.P., K. K. Cecala, *B. R. Scheffers, *C.A. Oldfield, N. Hollingshead, D. Haskell, and *B. McKenzie.  2017. Widespread degradation of vernal pools in the southeastern United States: Challenges to current and future management.   Wetlands  37:1093-1103.     Press Release

Evans, J.P., and *A. Morris.  2016.  Isolated coastal populations of Tilia americana var. caroliniana persist long-term through vegetative growth.   American Journal of Botany 103: 1687-1693.   AJB Noteworthy Article

Evans, J.P., *C.A. Oldfield, M.P. Priestley, Y.M. Gottfried, L.D. Estes, *A. Sidik, and G.S. Ramseur.  2016.  The vascular flora of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee.  Castanea 81: 206-236.   Winner of the 2017 Windler Prize in Systematics

Evans, J.P., *C.A. Oldfield, K.K. Cecala, *J.K. Hiers, J.K., C. Van De Ven, *M.M. Armistead. 2016. Pattern and drivers of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory on tree saplings across a plateau landscapeForests 7: 101.   Press release   News

*Oldfield, C.A. and J.P. Evans. 2016. Twelve years of repeated wild hog activity promotes population maintenance of an invasive clonal plant in a coastal dune ecosystemEcology and Evolution 6: 2569–2578.  Press release  News


Evans, J.P., *B.R. Scheffers, and *M. Hess. 2014. Effect of laurel wilt invasion on redbay populations in a maritime forest communityBiological Invasions 16: 1581-1588.   Press release   News


*Scheffers, B.R., B.L. Furman, and J.P. Evans. 2013. Salamanders continue to breed in ephemeral ponds following the removal of surrounding terrestrial habitat. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8: 715-723.


Evans, J.P. and *E. Keen. 2013. Regeneration failure in a remnant stand of pignut hickory (Carya glabra) on a protected barrier island in Georgia, USANatural Areas Journal 33: 171-176.


*Reid, J.L., J.P. Evans, *J.K. Hiers, and *J.B.C. Harris. 2008. Ten years of forest change in two adjacent communities on the southern Cumberland PlateauJournal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135: 224-235.


Haskell. D.G., J.P. Evans, and N. Pelkey. 2006. Depauperate avifauna in plantations compared to forests and residential areasPLOS ONE 1: e63. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000063.


DellaSala, D.A, J.R. Karr, T. Schoennagel, D. Perry, R.F. Noss, D. Lindenmayer, R.Beschta, R.L. Hutto, M. E. Swanson, and J.P. Evans.  2006. Invited Commentary: Post-disturbance logging debate ignores many issuesScience 314: 51-52.


*Lemoine, D, J.P. Evans, and K. Smith. 2006. A landscape-level GIS analysis of streamside management zones on the Cumberland PlateauJournal of Forestry 104: 125-131.   News

McGrath, D., J.P. Evans, K. Smith, N. Pelkey, D. Haskell, R. Gottfried, C. Brocket, M. Lane, and E.D. Williams. 2004. Mapping land-use change and monitoring the impacts of hardwood-to-pine conversion on the southern Cumberland Plateau in TennesseeEarth Interactions 8: 1-24.


Williams, E.D.,  R. Gottfried, C.D. Brockett, and J.P. Evans. 2003. An integrated analysis of the effectiveness of Tennessee’s Forest Greenbelt ProgramLandscape and Urban Planning 69: 287-297.


Evans, J.P. 2003. The southern pine bark beetle and forestry on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee: uniformity and vulnerabilityJournal of the Forest Stewards Guild 16: 10-11.


Brockett, C.D., R.R. Gottfried, and J.P. Evans. 2003. State tax incentives to promote forest preservation on private lands:  an evaluation of equity and effectiveness impactsPolitics and Policy 31: 252-281.


*McCarthy, S. and J.P. Evans. 2000. Population dynamics of overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) in a seasonally flooded karst depression.   Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 127: 9-18.


Cain, M.L., S. Subler, J.P. Evans., M-J. Fortin. 1999. Sampling spatial and temporal variation in soil nitrogen availabilityOecologia 118: 397-404.


*Hiers, J.K.  and J.P. Evans. 1997.  The effect of anthracnose blight on dogwood mortality and forest community structure in SE TN.   Conservation Biology 11: 1430-1435.


Cain, M.L., *D.A. Dudle, and J.P. Evans. 1996. Spatial models of foraging in clonal plant speciesAmerican Journal of Botany 83: 76-85.


Evans, J.P. and M.L. Cain. 1995. A spatially explicit test of foraging behavior in a clonal plantEcology 76: 1147-1155.


Evans, J.P. and *S. Whitney. 1992. Clonal integration across a salt gradient by a non-halophyte, Hydrocotyle bonariensisAmerican Journal of Botany 79:1 344-1347.


Evans, J.P. 1992. The effect of local resource availability and clonal integration on ramet functional morphology in Hydrocotyle bonariensisOecologia 89: 265-276.


Evans, J.P.  1991. The effect of resource integration on fitness-related traits in a clonal dune perennial, Hydrocotyle bonariensis.   Oecologia 86: 268-275.


Evans, J.P. 1988. Nitrogen translocation in the clonal dune perennial, Hydrocotyle bonariensisOecologia 77: 64-68.


Augspurger, C.K., M. Geber and J.P. Evans. 1985. Environmental correlates of plant size, biomass allocation, and reproductive output in Sesbania emerus, an annual tropical legumeAmerican Journal of Botany 72: 1136-1143.

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 (* indicates an undergrad/ lab alum co-author):

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Plant Ecology & Conservation Lab

Department of Biology

University of the South

735 University Avenue

Sewanee, TN 37383

Jonathan P. Evans

Spencer Hall 153



Sewanee Herbarium

Spencer Hall 171


© 2016 by Jonathan Evans.   Page design by Jonathan Evans  and Callie Oldfield.  Created with

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